SAC, Los Angeles


June 1, 1951


Director, FBI




(Los Angeles File 65-5131)



Rebulet 5-7-51.


Attached hereto is a copy of a confidential memorandum from the Department dated May 17, 1951, in which the Department advises that this case is being referred to the United States Attorney for the Southern District of California for his opinion relative to prosecution. You will note the Department requests we make available to the U.S. Attorney at Los Angeles, California, all information in this case developed through investigation to date in order that ne might have the benefit of same in reaching a decision.


You should immediately comply with the Department's request and furnish to the U.S. Attorney at Los Angeles copies of all pertinent reports in this case and such other data as he may require to reach a decision. For your information, the Bureau has furnished the Department copies of all investigative reports prepared in this case.


In this connection, your attention is directed to the Bureau's memorandum dated May 9, 1951, to the Department, copies of which were furnished you getting forth information received by the Bureau from the Department of the Army as to the security classification of pertinent documents in this case. You should immediately prepare an investigative report, incorporating therein the information received from the Department of the Army and furnish a copy to the U.S. Attorney at Los Angeles.


The Bureau is also returning herewith the photographic copies of the 13 documents which you forwarded to the Bureau under date of January 27, 1951. These photographs have been exhibited to the Department of the Army for current security classification, and you have been previously advised of the Army's reply.


You should advise the Bureau promptly of the U.S. Attorney's decision in this matter.


