Form No. 1
File No.:
This Case Originated At: Los Angeles.
Report Made At: Los Angeles
Date When Made: 11/13/51
Period For Which Made: 10/25, 31; 11/1/51.
Report Made By: William C. Patterson ik.
Character of Case: ESPIONAGE — IS.
Assistant United States Attorney ANGUS D. McEACHEN, Los Angeles, declined prosecution due to lack of sufficient evidence of intent or reason to believe that information obtained by the subject was to be used to injure United States, or to the advantage of another nation. Evidence returned to owners per instructions of the Assistant United States Attorney, Los Angeles.
On October 25, 1951, Assistant United States Attorney ANGUS D. McEACHEN, Los Angeles, California, advised that prosecution was declined in this case due to the lack of sufficient evidence of intent or reason to believe that information obtained was to be used to injure the United States or to the advantage of a foreign nation.
Assistant United States Attorney McEACHEN directed that evidence obtained during the investigation should be returned to its proper owners.
On October 31, 1951, Colonel E. J. KRENZ, United States Air Force Plant Representative, Hughes Aircraft, Culver City, California, was advised by Special Agents WILLIAM C. PATTERSON and NEAL McGINNIS that the documents in his custody belonging to the Hughes Aircraft Company should be returned to that company, as they were no longer needed as evidence. [Redacted], former Security Officer, Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California, who is now Administrative Assistant in the Research and Development Laboratory, Experimental Fabrication Department, was present when Colonel KRENZ was informed as above stated. [Redacted] was present as representative of the Hughes Aircraft Company, and accepted the Hughes Aircraft documents.
The documents obtained from [Redacted], Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, which were turned into a representative of the Hughes Aircraft Company when the subject left their employment, and which were identified as belonging to the California Institute of Technology, California Jet Laboratory, were returned to that laboratory on November 1, 1951, by Special Agents WILLIAM C. PATTERSONand WAYNE H. SHAW, and a receipt was obtained from [Redacted], Security Officer.
— C L O S E D —
Report of Special Agent WILLIAM C. PATTERSON dated June 9, 1951, at Los Angeles. Bureau letter to Los Angeles dated June 1, 1951.