9 January 1952
Dear Mr. Parsons [Jack Parsons]:
Reference is made to the decision of the Industrial Employment Review Board 7 March 1949, in which you were granted access to military information and/or material classified up to and including Top Secret.
In view of derogatory matter contained in investigative reports submitted by the Department of the Air Force under date of 30 October 1951, the Industrial Employment Review Board, in accordance with the provisions of its Charter, Criteria and Procedures, copies of which are inclosed herewith, has reconsidered your case on its own motion.
The Board has decided as of 7 January 1952 to revoke the clearance granted you through Top Secret on 7 March 1949, and to withdraw access by you to Department of Defense classified information and/or materiel.
The grounds for withdrawal of clearances are as follows:
That you do not possess the integrity, discretion, and responsibility essential to the security of classified military information in that it has been reported that on or about 15 September 1950 you knowingly and willfully and without proper authority removed and applied to your own use and benefit documents and papers containing classified military information, from Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California, your place of employment, property of the said Company, and that you delivered this classified material to persons not authorized to receive it.
The foregoing and all the evidence in the case file, when considered with the duties and responsibilities of any position in which you may be engaged with Department of Defemse classified contract work, indicate that you might voluntarily or in voluntarily act against the security interest of the United States and constitute a danger to the national security.
Sincerely yours,
Industrial Employment Review Board