and for














Acts and



N. 47 of

December 1909.




24th November 1909.



AT EDINBURGH the Twenty fourth day of November in the year One thousand nine hundred and nine: In the Summons, as amended and Action following thereon, instituted before the Lords of Council and Session at the instance of Mrs Rose Edith Kelly or Skerrett or Crowley, presently residing at the Vicarage, Camberwell, London, wife of Alister Macgregor Crowley, formerly called Edward Alexander Crowley of Boleskine, Foyers, Invernessshire and presently residing at Twenty one Warwick Road, Earls Court, London, Pursuer, against the said Alister Macgregor Crowley, Defender; After procedure, in the course of which, proof was adduced for the Pursuer: SITTING IN JUDGMENT the said Lords, having considered the Summons, proof and productions, Found and hereby Find facts, circumstances and qualifications, proved relevant to infer the Defender's guilt of adultery; Found and hereby find him guilty of adultery accordingly: Therefore Divorced and Separated and hereby Divorce and Separate the Defender from the Pursuer her society fellowship and company in all time coming and Found Decerned and Declared and hereby Find Decern and Declare the Defender to have forfeited all the rights and privileges of a lawful husband and that the Pursuer is entitled to live single or to marry any free man as if she had never been married to the Defender or as if he were naturally dead; Further Found and hereby Find the Pursuer entitled to the custody and keeping of Lola Zaza Crowley, the surviving child of the marriage between the Pursuer and the Defender: And Decerned and Ordained and hereby Decern and Ordain the Defender to make payment to the Pursuer of the sum of Fifty two pounds Sterling per annum for aliment to the said child, and that at two terms in the years, Whitsunday and Martinmas by equal portions beginning the first term's payment thereof as at the term of Martinmas Nineteen hundred and nine, for the half year following, and so forth half-yearly thereafter, so long as the said child shall remain in the custody of the Pursuer, with interest at the rate of Five per centum per annum on each half-yearly payment from the term of payment until paid; And Interdicted, Prohibited and Discharged and hereby Interdict Prohibit and Discharge the Defender from interfering in any way with the said child or with the Pursuer as her custodier and Decerned and hereby Decern; Found and hereby Find the Defender liable in expenses and Remitted and hereby Remit the Account thereof, when lodged to the Auditor of Court to tax and to report. And the said Lords Grant Warrant to Messengers-at-arms in His Majesty's name and authority to charge the said Alister Macgregor Crowley, Defender, personally, or at his dwelling place if within Scotland and if furth thereof by delivering a copy of charge at the Office of the Keeper of the Record of Edictal Citations at Edinburgh, to make payment of the aforesaid sums of aliment and interest, all in terms and to the effect contained in the Decree and Extract above written, and here referred to and held as repeated brevitatis causa, And That to the said Mrs Rose Edith Kelly or Skerrett or Crowley, Pursuer, if the said Alister Macgregor Crowley, be within Scotland, within fifteen days, in in Orkney or Shetland, within forty days, and if furth of Scotland, within fourteen days next after he is charged to that effect; under the pain of poinding and imprisonment, the terms of payment being always first come and byegone; and Also Grant Warrant to arrest the said Alister Macgregor Crowley's readiest goods, gear, debts and sums of money, in payment and satisfaction of the said sums of aliment and interest; And if he fail to obey the said charge, then to poind his readiest goods, gear, and other effects; and, if needful for effecting the said poinding, Grant Warrant to open all shut and lock-fast places, in form as effeirs, all in so far as is competent.


Extracted upon seven pages by me Principal Extractor in the Court of Session at Edinburgh, this Twenty second day of December One thousand nine hundred and nine years. (Signed) Edward P. Thomson.


Extracted on this and the three preceding pages by me having commission to that effect from the Keeper of the Registers and Records of Scotland.


R.H. Lindsay


