P O W E R   O F   A T T O R N E Y




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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, EDWARD ALEXANDER CROWLEY at present residing at Au Cadran Bleu in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, France, Author, DO HEREBY APPOINT Norman Mudd of 37a Tressillian Road, Brockley, London, S. E. 4 my true and lawful Attorney in my name or in his name and on my behalf to do execute and perform any act deed matter of thing which in the opinion of my said Attorney ought to be done executed or performed in or about my affairs concerns engagements of business of every nature and kind whatsoever as fully and effectually as I myself could do in my proper person and particularly and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power to do all or any of the following acts and things:—


1. TO ask demand sue for recover enforce payment of receive and obtain possession of all property whether real or personal moneys royalties goods merchandise documents chattels and effects whatsoever and wheresoever to which I am or may now be entitled either solely or jointly with others or which are or may become due owing payable or transferable to me either solely or jointly with others from any persons person or corporation:—


2. TO receive and give effectual receipts and discharges for all or any moneys, royalties, goods, merchandise, documents, chattels, effects and property whatsoever which shall come to the hands of my said Attorney either solely on my behalf or jointly with others which receipts or discharges whether given in my name or in the name of my said Attorney shall exonerate the person or persons or corporation paying such moneys or delivering such goods merchandise documents chattels effects or property from seeing to the application thereof or being responsible for the loss or misapplication thereof:—


3. TO deposit any monies received by my attorney with any banker or broker or any other person in my name or in the name of my Attorney and either on deposit or current account AND to withdraw such moneys or any moneys which are now deposited or standing in my name or on my behalf with any banker broker or other person and to employ or apply all or any such moneys in or about my business or in relation to my affairs or otherwise as may be thought fit or from time to time invest the same or any part thereof at the discretion of my Attorney in my or his name or in the name or names of any other person or persons in trust for me in such manner as my Attorney shall think fit and to receive and give good discharges for all dividends interest and income arising from any such investment and to vary sell assign transfer or dispose of the same or any part thereof:—


4. TO borrow from time to time such sums of money and upon such terms as my Attorney may think expedient for or in relation to any purpose connected with my business or my affairs upon my personal security or the security of any of my property whether real or personal or otherwise and for such purposes to give execute and make such mortgages charges pledges or other securities and with such covenants powers and provisions as may be thought expedient:—


5. IN my name and on my behalf to purchase take on lease or otherwise acquire and hold all such houses offices buildings lands hereditaments chattels and effects as my Attorney may think desirable or expedient for or in relation to my business or my affairs:—


6. TO manage or superintend the management of all the estates and hereditaments of whatever tenure to which I am or shall become seised possessed or entitled and to accept surrenders of leases or tenancies and to enter into arrangements with tenants or others and to ensure and keep insured houses and buildings and any chattels or effects. And to appoint or employ any agents servants or other persons at such remuneration and on such terms as my Attorney may think proper:—


7. TO execute sign enter into acknowledge perfect and do all such licenses contracts conveyances leases mortgages transfers assignments surrenders releases reconveyances assurances deeds agreements instruments acts and things as my Attorney may think requisite or proper on my behalf and either in his name on my behalf or in my name and as my act and deed to sign and seal and deliver any such deed or instrument and in particular but without prejudice to the generality of this clause to enter into sign execute and deliver any agreement for or deed or partnership with any person or persons whomsoever:—


8. TO execute in my name or his name and on my behalf all instruments under the Land Transfer Acts 1875 and 1897 or the rules thereof and to make any application and to do at the Land Registry all such acts and things as I myself could have done if personally present:—


9. TO vote at the meetings of any Company or Companies and otherwise to act as my proxy or attorney in respect of any shares or stock of any description or debenture held by me or which may hereafter be acquired by me on my behalf and to execute any proxies or other instruments in my name or on my behalf:—


10. TO invest any money received in this power in the purchase or on the security of freehold copyhold or leasehold property or in or upon any stocks shares bonds debentures securities or investments whatsoever as my Attorney shall think fit and from time to time sell vary or transpose all or any such investment:—


11. TO commence prosecute enforce defend answer or appose all actions and other legal proceedings and demands touching any matter concerning me or my business or my affairs or any matters in which I am or may hereafter be interested or concerned either solely submit to judgment refer to arbitration or become nonsuited in any such action or proceeding as aforesaid:—


12. TO adjust settle compromise or submit to arbitration any account debts claims demands disputes and matters touching my business or my affairs or any matters which are now substituting or which may hereafter arise between us (and either solely or jointly with others) and any other person or persons or between my Attorney and any other person or persons:—


13. TO compound and accept part in lieu of or in satisfaction for the whole of or to compromise any debt or sum of money how or hereafter owing or payable to me (either solely or jointly with others) or any other claim or demand which I or my Attorney have or may have against any person or persons or to grant an extension of time for the payment thereof upon such terms as my Attorney may otherwise think fit either with or without taking security for the same or otherwise to act in respect thereof as may be deemed expedient:—


14. TO give and accept any notice terminating any deed or partnership already entered into or to entered into:—


15. TO draw cheques on any account current with any bank or bankers and to sign my name thereto:—


16. TO endorse or sign my name to any cheque dividend or interest warrants or other instruments payable to me:—


17. TO draw accept endorse negotiate retire or satisfy any bills of exchange promissory notes orders for payment or delivery of money securities or effects bills of lading or other negotiable or mercantile instruments or securities:—


18. TO give renew or withdraw authorities or directions to my bankers and other persons or corporations to whom or the manner in which any money payable to me periodically or otherwise shall be paid:—


19. TO sell exchange surrender demise let manage mortgage charge or otherwise deal with or dispose of all or any of the freehold copyhold leasehold or other property now or hereafter belonging to me or purchased by my Attorney and to receive and enforce payment of the rents of such freehold copyhold and leasehold property:—


20. TO enter into agreements with publishers and others for the printing production sales of all plays, books, essays, articles, poems and scenarios for stage or screen and in general of any literary or dramatic work, of which I am the author and to grant any licenses in respect thereof either solely or jointly with any other person or persons upon such terms and at such royalties as my Attorney in his absolute discretion think fit:—


21. TO carry on any business in which I may be engages either alone or in partnership with others:—


22. AND also (so far as I can lawfully give or delegate respective powers) to sell lease dispose of deal with and manage any property whether real or personal which may be vested in me alone or jointly with any other person as a trustee executor or administrator and to execute and sign any deeds or instruments and generally to do any acts which I could lawfully execute sign and do in any such capacity:—


23. TO do or concur in doing all or any of the acts and things herein-before mentioned in conjunction with any partner or partners co-trustees co-executor or executors or any other person or persons interested in the respective premises:—


24. FROM time to time to appoint and remove at pleasure any substitute or substitutes as attorney or agent or attorneys or agents under him in respect of all or any of the matters aforesaid upon such terms and conditions as my Attorney shall think fit:—


25. AND I hereby for myself my heirs executors or administrators ratify and confirm and agree to ratify and confirm whatsoever my Attorney or any substitutes acting under him shall do or purport to do by virtue of these presents including in such confirmation whatsoever shall be done between the time of my death or the revocation by any means of this power of attorney and at the time when such death or revocation shall become known to my Attorney or his substitute or substitutes:—


26. AND I HEREBY DECLARE that this Power of Attorney shall be irrevocable for three calendar months from the date hereof:—


IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this THIRD day of JULY One thousand nine hundred and twenty-four. E.V.


Edward Alexander Crowley


Executed at the British Consulate

Paris, by the within named

Edward Alexander Crowley

this 3RD day JULY

in the presence of . . .


