Marcelo Motta Diary Entry

Wednesday, 3 September 1969








About 2 am L.T. [Local Time]: Yesterday's error discovered. Hé is not the Path joining Chokmah and Tiphereth; Tzaddi is. This is, as yet, unverified except negatively, by yesterday's failure, and positively by 666's own assertion in The Book of Thoth. Nevertheless, he gave the correspondences wrong, apparently on purpose, in several books.


About 2.10 am: Start Invocation. About 2.24 am: Finish. Very difficult. At beginning, hard to "connect". Am rather tired now, for tried climbing. I did connect, though. Climbing under the form of a hawk (very hard to climb). Remember now: first sign of connection was rocks and flames; I was underground. There was a chimney, however, or a series of chimneys, and I started climbing. Of course, the temptation was to "see" things on several levels. Avoiding paying attention to these, assumed hawk shape, and started flying up. Very odd images: metallic: machinery. I remember now seeing a battering-ram. Went on. As I said, a lot of metal shapes; seemingly not representing anything in particular; abstract, mostly. Naturally, my own imagination kept popping in: tendency to see the Eye of Shiva, and so forth. The hawk acquired a Third Eye. At a given moment, recited B., O., and several verses of AL concerning the Will. (Used Pentagram of Fire and Hexagram of Fire several times in vision, both banishing and invoking. I banished some images—remember banishing at least twice.) At last, seemed to arrive (or rather, to see a representation of) to Chokmah: saw it as a Pyramid of grey rock. Then, passing on, among other things (lots of metallic shapes again), empty space. Ah, remember now seeing the landscape when I first came out of the chimneys of fire, as barren and lonely—desertic. Yet, volcanic.


I entered the pyramid, but it seemed to be very old, and crumbling to pieces inside. Also, totally empty. I called 666's Name, and experienced a very odd sensation. (I think now I should have called Olalám, Imál, Tutulu. Of course He wasn't in the tomb; He is in me, and elsewhere.)


Came back, at last, kind of disappointed. But definitely, צ is the Path joining 6 and 2.


2.37 am: believe will try invoking Genii now. Beginning, of course, with Geni of Dome.


About 2.47 am: Finished Inv.[oking] Geni of Dome. I do not recollect exactly the series of images that appeared (I think I am physically tired.); but I got intimations about the Nature of the Geni connected with its symbol. At last, got a beautiful Tzaddi on calling his name. Take this to mean that link was established. Will invoke צ again, for banished it; mistake.


3 am: finished invoking Geni of Carcer of צ. Very interesting. Started going down; got to a very curious place; like a cavern, but somehow with what looked like volcanic activity; it reminded me of some of the visual fantasies concocted in "2001". The color, throughout, was a greyish-green. I waited, and at last my surroundings became the lining of a well. This is connected with the Hexagram that has appeared lately, about concentration and the mind (from the Yi King). Then, a television screen, then what looked like the proscenium of a theater, and at last I was back on this level. I take this to indicate that this Geni will help me to concentrate my mind. Will now anoint the Seal and close for tonight—or this morning—registering the time when I do so. 3.15 am.[1]



1—These experiments are far from conclusive, and before the position of Tzaddi as the Path uniting Tiphereth and Chokmah is confirmed, corroboration will be necessary from other experimenters. Nor should it be forgotten that "truth" is often a matter of personal convenience, and that one person's "truth" may be another person's lie, or delusion.

The experimenter's difficulty in achieving contact is in part explained by the position of this Path (if it is the Path uniting Tiphereth to Chokmah) relative to his position on the Tree. Being a Magister Templi, his Sphere is Binah: his human personality can receive Instruction directly from Chokmah only through Daleth the Door: whatever comes down the Path of the Emperor is but reflection, refraction and glamour (if this much!) as long as one has not achieved the Grade of Magus.

A large amount of would-be initiates commit the mistake of trying to reach Chokmah directly from Tiphereth or directly from Chesed, instead of aiming at the Annihilation of Binah. These always fall under the spell of Mayan, and their influence in the Lower is always demoniac, that is to say, illusory. They become (quite unconsciously as a rule) the jackals of Anubis, scavengers of the dead.


