Marcelo Motta Diary Entry

Monday, 8 September 1969








About 2 am L.T. [Local Time]:[1] preparations to invoke Path of Daleth. About 2.25 am: burn "black magic" Seals.[2]


About 2.28 am: start Inv.[ocation]. About 2.40 am: Finish. Several visions, or visualizations, when I started. First of all, I realized this is the Lady of Love mentioned in the Aethyrs. Also, She is BABALON. Finding it hard to invoke Her, I recited the Inv. of Spirit of Spirit (the First Key). Then I naturally assumed the Posture of Osiris Risen (but modified by the Sign of Set).[3] Gradually I realized that this Vision (for me) must be dark; for She brings me the Influence of Chokmah, and I am in Binah, Being an M.T. [Magister Templi]. And Her influence is that all things shall breed within me in silence. There is no saying or predicting or desiring, for the Influence comes from Chokmah, and I must receive it. It is Chokmah that decides. 666 decides, if you will. And that is the Child breeding within me. All those things that breed within me are the Child. Love is the law, love under will.


So I returned, and will now invoke the Genii of the Dome and of the Carcer, respectively.


About 2.52 am: Start Inv. Geni of Dome of ר. About 3.10 am, finish. Most insatisfactory at first; then, slowly the meaning of the two symbols in the Seal of the Geni—  and —came to me. The Male Thrust is necessary. This, and Liber HAD—which is a way to it, of course. Then, I called upon the Geni to help me on this course, and saw a made of emeralds.


Then I recited the First and the Second Keys. And now will anoint the Seal. I should remark I saw a small—very tiny—cockroach on it when I lifted it up right a while ago—and when I was writing this remark, then it—or another very like it—went on the Seal again, and I killed it.


About 12.10 am L.T.: Just preparing to start again, discover Seal of Geni of Dome dulled (the characters) by Oil application.


Will invoke Geni of Carcer.


About 0.20 am: Everything wrong. At end, realize I traced the Inverted Daleth wrong. Also, that I am mentally disturbed by M.E.[3] and other such insignificant things.



1—It will be noticed that often those experiments were performed very late at night, or very early in the morning. The Seer worked during the daytime, and at night felt a need to wait until the emotional atmosphere surrounding his improvised temple quietened down enough under the influence of his neighbor's slumber.

2—The Seer had kept several talismans for some years, directed against people who had "harmed" him. He felt it was necessary to release those forces to purify himself before invoking the Path of Love. The talismans were never remade.

3—This refers to a certain mudra.

4—An individual with too much imagination and too little character who kept pestering the Seer about movie production—this had nothing to do with Magick—directly, that is! . . .

