Marcelo Motta Diary Entry

Monday, 16 March 1970








0h. Prepare to skry Path of Beth.


0.26: begin. 0.36: end. I entered a road made of mercury; at least it was silvery enough. A Mercury planet hung on the sky. Then I stopped to write down the time of starting, and went on. I came to a gong between two pillars, and struck it, calling Θελημα and Therion. A spaceship seemed to go up after this;[1] I followed it with my mind's eye and tried to rise. Lamp very disturbing: covering my eyes (with the cowl) did not help. Then, I saw a planet below me falling away; at first I thought of 2001 (the film) as an influence, but then came to me the words in Liber VII about falling away: "farther and farther . . ." etc. The verses are not well remembered. Also, it came to me that Eros is the Child of Mercury. No effort is necessary: I must do my will, that is all. I am in Binah; and form the dust a white ash shall be prepared by Hermes the Invisible. I tries again afterwards, for here the concentration broke: the Ego had lusted for results. I assumed Mercury's shape at a moment; at another, saw myself with a star in my forehead. At still another moment, a Nordic shape. Odin? Then I desisted and came back. Conclusion: a small result; invoking the Geni may get me more. This is a very high plane to try to work on: the Path joins Binah to Kether. Mercury is the Messenger of the Father—nay, more than that. For Kether is beyond the Father, who is Chokmah.



1—The spaceship seemed to originate from an arrow, which brought Sagittarius and The Lovers to mind. At the time, I thought this was wrong. Now I wonder.


