Marcelo Motta Diary Entry

Tuesday, 24 March 1970








About 0.0: prepare to invoke ו. About 0.20: start.


About 0.35: finish. On starting, a black (dark indigo?) bull appeared facing the open doorway, looking furious, his eyes gleaming red. But the Hexagram (in silver, I think) showed on its forehead. So I touched its forehead, then took the shape of Venus and bestrode him: and it got a little mixed up with the legend of Europa, and sexual attraction, and the bull's genitals. For a while, it was hard to make contact. First, I think, I became the bull: his energy went through me; then I took the shape of Venus (a fair, beautiful, naked woman) and bestrode him. He turned and flew along a very dark corridor, at the end of which was a red disk, like a planet (Query now: the Sun-Disk? At the time this did not occur to me, as can be seen from what followed.) It approached; as I wondered at its presence, it receded; the corridor became the hollow interior of a gun barrel, the disk the exit. Then a shape swung, silvery, hard to identify; I think it must have been a silver lamp, for this appeared later again (and now it occurs to me that V.V.V.V.V. is nothing but a lamp; and silver, of course, being on the Path of Gimel). It was all very dark, and rocky; and I used the Banishing and Invoking Pentagrams of Earth, calling Adonai, calling B-A-H, and her symbol appeared. Also, the Moon appeared, which I could not understand; but now I realize that the Moon is exalted in Taurus.


I took the shape of Set, and the thought came to me that ΘΗΡΙΟΝ manifests Set. I said Therion 11 times, then Abrahadabra 11 times. A silver lamp appeared, burning. I burned myself therein, and turned into the Phoenix, rainbow-hued, very much like a peacock—which is sacred to Venus (or is it Juno? . . .[1]). I called V.V.V.V.V., the Name being composed of וs; and said Θελημα 11 times. Then the Bull soared, carrying me, and it was starry, going to the stars. All ends in Nuit. So I came back, banished vision (sort of; am nervous; sudden noises upset me) and wrote this down.


Note: The Dove appeared at a moment, in connection with an invocation (perhaps of B-A-H) right in the first third of the Skrying. At another moment, I was Set standing before the Throne of the Hierophant. The Dove is sacred to Venus incidentally.


Note: When facing the Throne, I told the Hierophant (666, of course[2]) that the Verses "By Bes-na-Maut", etc. in AL are wrong. But the verses are not in the MS. itself. A note must be added in the Commentaries as to that. Or no . . .?


Note: it must always be kept in mind that these Vision are all being done in the Queen Scale, with reference to my function as a Master of the Temple.



1—Juno, of course, which is the Roman form of Demeter.

2—Not so in the least: Heru-ra-ha, in His Ra-Hoor-Khuit form.


