Marcelo Motta Diary Entry Sunday, 29 March 1970
11.25 pm L.T. [Local
Time]: Prepare to invoke Path of
11.35 pm: Finish. On invoking, door
opens and a gigantic crab appears. I went through it. Tried
to rise: a column—then a mushroom. Finally, the mushroom
turns into an atom bomb's mushroom. I am above a round
surface with a conglomerate like this:
Conclusion: got in touch with Cancer.
P.S. Tried to assume Moon figure, but Artemis seemed to be the one—and Artemis is Virgo, no?
About 11.45 pm: preparations to invoke Geni of Dome of ח.
About 11.58 pm: after consecrating Seal and banishing Vision. On invoking, saw a smiling face in open door. Went through and up. There was a Rose—but I may have formed it myself. Then I started invoking in several ways. At the end, saw the Charioteer of the Book of Thoth, as a figure. I used the words Falutli and Hriliu. Very odd feeling on using them, specially Hriliu. Then I invoked B-A-H, tracing the Sign mentally in the Seal, which was on my crown. Again, odd feeling. Conclusion: my charioteering[1] isn't very good. I must improve.
(After some qabalistic manipulations)
135 = 33 x 5. Quite correct! Since
Also, EVER[3] is a Name of Binah, or of a Magister Templi, which is correct: 33 x 23. It is Binah of Binah and Chokmah of Binah! So, He is under the Magus of the Aeon.
6 x 6 x 6 = 63: It is Tiphereth of Binah, of course. The correspondences are quite correct. And he manifests Himself as a Zelator: 216 = 9. But also, He is a Hermit: 9 = IX° = IX
1—Cf. Liber 333 [The Book of Lies], Steeped Horsehair. 2—This interpretation of the meaning of the power of numbers in the Qabalah is tentatively offered for research by other investigators. 3—The Seer's Motto as M.T. [Magister Templi].