Marcelo Motta Diary Entry

Wednesday, 24 June 1970








0.24: Start preparations to invoke Path of ק.


About 0.32: start. After several false starts, the intimation comes: the Sign of Pisces means "two moons"——transfixed by the Male—the Phallus.


Another attempt at penetration—by assuming the shape of Neptune and invoking ק, specifically, with the trident (as I rose, the Hexagram seemed suspended from the trident, like a pennant) elicited the intimation that all underground, wet, miasmatic or swampy passageways (and it seems to me that this is an excellent description of the vagina! . . .) pertain to Kephra. (Why not Anubis? Id did not occur to me to invoke him.)


I invoked Anubis, and (his vestments were black and white) went into a kind of underground dark corridor at the end of which was a wall., I blazoned (as Anubis) the Signs of and ק on it and went through, but curiously enough the form of Anubis turned into that of a rabbit (and now VII comes to my mind[1]), then of a snake slithering along the ground. And the place to which he took me was a chamber (or place) of utter darkness. After a while I saw what seemed like an iron pyramid, truncated, a fortress, there. But I thought this might have been induced by myself. I do not know if it was then, or before (the Kephra part, last paragraph) that I recited the Invocations from AL iii (modified version of mine, as to Hadit). At any rate, I put down now the intimation that came to me before: the nature of Kephra—the true nature of this power regenerator of putrefaction is intimately related to the Point mentioned in Liber ARARITA.


And now I will end the Vision. Done, 1.04 am. And now it occurs to me that the Seal of My Lady includes the Three—and Me.[2]


And now, also, it occurs to me that that utter darkness to which Anubis led me is also Death.



1—Liber VII, i, 14.

2—This reference, must remain unexplained. But Cf. AL i 60 and Liber NV, v. 16.


