Marcelo Motta Diary Entry

Tuesday, 8 September 1970








About 0h: Make preparations to invoke Geni of Carcer of ש.


About "11.44 pm of Sept. 7th": start. About 0.03: Finish. Most difficult. After some attempts, impulse to recite Inv[ocation]s of . Done. Then, invoke again and again. A black maw opens—reddish light, myriads of insects. Ants. I go down into what seems like an antheap. There, tendency of a ( . . . ?) to follow. Banish it, then chant the Curses of AL. Quiet and a feeling of order afterwards. Anointed the Seal and banished the Vision.


(There follows some qabalistic manipulations, omitted.)[1]



1—Hindsight comment: Incredibly sloppy, and as it can be seen, no further attempt was made to improve the results. Will there come a time in this existence for that to be done? We know not. Undoubtedly unnecessary, for the time being, for if it were necessary, it would have been done.


