Marcelo Motta Diary Entry

Sunday, 13 September 1970








About 0.15 (True Time): Invoke Geni of Carcer of ת.


About "11.45" pm: Stop. On invoking, long corridor—long, long—with table laid as for a banquet—silver implements—grey walls at first then rock. It seemed like the belly of an animal—and the banquet laid but no people. Then I assumed shape of Saturn as old man and issued. And I remembered Pedra de Gávea[1] and the nisei[2] who asked if I had already climbed it. This he had from Mr. A.A., I think. And it came to me that they are getting my material, and stopping me from publishing it directly, or trying to. And the thought came to me that I am trying to modify the Universe. Perhaps I should let it go, and concentrate on "normal" life? . . . But then I banished these unworthy thoughts. And feeling that the vision had not been totally satisfactory, I withdrew from it. Will try again.


(There follow some qabalistic manipulations, omitted.)



1—An interesting rock formation near Rio de Janeiro, which from certain angles looks like a frowning face, and which allegedly has inscriptions in an unknown tongue. In his adolescence, the Seer had composed music inspired by its wild beauty. This has since been diminished by pollution and real estate speculation, and may eventually disappear completely. Most scientists disclaim the so-called inscriptions as merely erosion marks, but many pseudo-mystical organizations in Brazil swear by them. This fixation with mountains is very old in mysticism. . .

2—Nisea—a Brazilian of Japanese extraction. This was one of the many intelligence agents who have got in touch with the Seer through the years, pretending to be Aspirants. . .


