Marcelo Motta Diary Entry

Friday, 9 April 1971








About 6.22 pm. Start preparations to invoke Geni of Dome of ק.


Start invocation;[1]) finished at 6.50 pm.


The key is the same ; but She is not in her season. Also, She is the Woman Triumphant; also, she conceals the Twins, bowed down to mankind. They are also X the Hermit and IX Strength. But also 10 and 9 and X and XIX. So, Jupiter is important[2] (The Wheel) Gedulah is important. Lots of things more, including Judo Contest = increasing my .[3]


Later: There was no Fall. (Therefore, no need for "redemption".) There has never been any Fall. The imperfection of human nature is inherent in it.[4] There is no Path from 4 to 3. There never was. The only way for Chesed to reach Binah is through Strength-Geburah-Chariot. But he may by-pass the Mother altogether and reach Chokmah directly through the Hierophant (subtlety? . . .). In this case they lack the Mother.[5] Lacking Her, might they mot be unable to realize that She is continuous, and therefore, that there is no "Abyss"?[6]


(Note: When realization of "no Fall" came, distinct shock [emotional, or intellectual?] in my brain. May have missed a lot).[7]


(Several other paragraphs on this Vision are omitted.)



1—Time not given; inexcusable sloppiness.

It is not that your experiments are important in themselves of necessity; but how can the Scientific Method be applied unless sufficiently clear data, from a sufficiently numerous quantity of sources, is given? Each researcher contributes to the advancement of mankind, and should keep this in mind, no matter how humble or insignificant he or she may feel at the time of the experiment. Perhaps on of the main sources of dogma and intolerance in "religion", throughout the ages, has been the sloppiness or the misplaced humility (to say nothing of the downright stupidity!) of experimenters.

2—He means Chesed.

3—The Seer, an enthusiast of the Martial Arts, abhorred competition in Judo, a sport in which he reached Brown Belt, and was offered the Black Belt, but refused it. The intimation seems to be that he was wrong in doing so.

4—From the point of view of those who aspire to expansion and depth of consciousness beyond the present state of the human species, that is! Otherwise, human beings are "perfect"—in the sense that bees, ants, and termites are "perfect". The madness and folly of mankind results from Aspiration.

5—And therefore, since the Thelemic definition of evolution for mankind is inclusion of ALL possible vectors in one's 'gestalt' at any particular stasis, they are imperfect, or false, initiates.

6—In the sense of a "gap", or "break", between the Lower and the Higher.

7—Meaning, the turbulence in the instrument made it impossible for the "mortal" mind of the Seer to retain, or even to perceive, much of what was being imparted by the "Voice in the Silence".


