Marcelo Motta Diary Entry Sunday, 25 April 1971[1]
Before True Midnight" Started Inv.[ocation] of Geni of Dome of ה.
Continue. Number of Geni seems to be (omitted).
Chokmah of Chokmah, or course, is a form of Hadit. The Number given is necessarily holy. Also, it seems to confirm Meditation of previous Vision of Dome.[2] Also, (Omitted).
April 26, "4.47" pm: There is always a lawful Path going UP: the Path from Number to Number. That is why we have "trouble" from 4 going to 3. No Path. But NO = NU = NUIT. These Paths, what is important to my Persona or merely Human Self is the Geni of the Carcer.[3] All the others, only the Geni of the Dome matters. (And this only as one reaches each Sephirah.) Therefore, the important Paths going UP are XIV, XIX, XVI, XIII, VIII, XI.
They are also important going down, of course, although all Paths are important then. (But Dome and Carcer sense here.)
156 = 22 x 3 x 13. Chokmah of Chokmah x Binah x Death.
56 = 23 x 7 = 8 x 7. But 8 x 7 = Pe, therefore She is also the House of God. (But of course!) Also, reason must crumble when Universal Readjustment—the Kisses of the Stars—becomes necessary.[4]
But isn't 7 x 8 = 9, instead?[5]
93 = 3 x 31. AL in Binah is AIWAZ.[6]
1—The total lack of a record of this invocation is unexplained in the diary of the visions itself; however, the normal diary of the Seer states that he suffered a "pollution", that is to say, an involuntary emission, on the day when he invoked. This is undoubtedly the reason for the break! Cf. A.C. [Aleister Crowley] on chastity. 2—It remains a mystery whether he means the 25th, or the previous occasion when he invoked, which is duly (more or less!) recorded. 3—This entry need clarification. The Seer means that, since "he" "is" the Geni of the Carcer in every case, those parts of his Magickal Self, energized by 666, will instruct Central Headquarters, or the Ego-Consciousness, on how to attain the Sephirah above, and what personal problems and limitations can be expected and must be accounted for. Also, although this is not indicated in the text of the Visions, at this stage the Seer was invoking in order to analyze the work necessary according to the letters of the Word of the Equinox obtained by him. It should be unnecessary to add once more (therefore, as A.C. used to say, we better do it!) that the above interpretation of the usefulness of the Geni and the Paths is totally personal and connected with the Grade of the Seer, and that his Visions were always performed on the Queen Scale. An example of this specialization is the above entry, done at 4.47 pm (L.T. [Local Time], that is, at a time the Seer was no longer invoking or trying to perceive. Cf. Liber 418 [The Vision and the Voice], the 13th Aethyr. 4—This interpretation of the "kisses of the stars" deserves, perhaps, further clarification. It is an extrapolation of vectorial calculus as applied to astronomy. If you are in your true orbit (that is, doing your True Will), the kisses of the stars—the other stars—not only are caresses as also comfort and encourage you along your Going. Should you deviate, they become violent—due to the inverse law: the more you approach the Path of another, the more violent the Repulsion, which translates into your human life as the Thunderbolt, or some other "Evil". Either you restrict yourself ("thou hast no right but to do thy will," and the following verse), or others will restrict you. It should be remarked that each Initiation demands a readjustment of the entire process, since you add another constant (another expansion of consciousness and activity) to the question. 5—Further clarification is necessary. The reader may be confused by the idea that 7 x 8 could be Pe, but the interpretation is not numerical: the Seer meant simply that the Path tat indicates the Union, therefore the Intercourse, therefore the "multiplication" of Hod and Netzach is Pe; and he continues speculating on whether it isn't Jesod, after all. But of course, it is both Pe and Jesod; it is a matter of the point of view, or rather, of the type of operation contemplated. This view of the symbology of the Sephiroth and the Paths may not be new; but it has yielded useful results to the Seer, which is the reason why we offer it to other investigators for examination. 6—Which means that Aiwass also manifests as a M.T. [Magister Templi]. But we already knew that. . . . He must NOT be confused with V.V.V.V.V., Who is another Entity altogether, and in His last incarnation was Aiwass' disciple.