Israel Regardie Diary Entry Wednesday, 20 March 1929
March 20th, I forwarded a letter to my Consul, informing him of the fact that my separation from Sir Crowley, on who I was dependent for a living, was in the nature of a death-sentence, as it were, for me and I urged him to do all in his power to obtain an annulment of my "Réfuse de Sejour." It was not until more than two weeks after that I received his reply; to the effect that the Embassy in Paris did not see upon what grounds a protest to the French Government might be made because of a report held against me at the Sureté Générale. This letter, containing as it does remarks which were entirely in opposition to his personal statements, caused me to write requesting an abstract of the charges proffered against me. No answer came to this at all. Therefore on the 20th of April, I wrote him once more advising that since he had refused to help me in a time of need. I would be obliged to appeal to the Department of State in Washington for an investigation into this matter.
Two days later, I received a reply in answer to mine of the 6th, stating that the Embassy definitely declined either to set forth the charges against me, or to intervene in the matter of my expulsion from France.