C. F. Russell Diary Entry

Friday, 26 November 1920




Astarte Lulu Panthea was born.


New names for celebrants were—OPHION (= 700) for the Beast; IACCHAION (= 143) for Genesthai [C.F. Russell]; ALOSTRAEL [Leah Hirsig] kept hers.


Insignia, Robes, paraphernalia & furniture painstakingly prescribed were not stuck-to-strictly—Therion enjoyed composing rituals more than performing them rigorously—like myself he had a healthy hold of the essentials—unlike me he prepossessing ulterior motive did not dwell conspicuously in forefront of his consciousness. Get this:


"Iacchaion shall wear the Black Robe lined with gold, for he cometh forth from the darkness of the outer and the Light but fringeth him. Also black is proper to a Neophyte—(This was the only available robe that fir)!—He head shall be bare for shamelessness (sic) and as the symbol for his function in this working. (Too subtle for you)? He shall bear the Book of the Law".


Then the Formula—


"Make Iacchaion God, by Ether. Sacrifice him to the Beast who thus becomes God. Use here the 'Accendat' and right Mantram, 'Tu qui es' and 'Quia Patris'. Sacrifice the Beast to the Scarlet Woman using Her mantras, F-S etc. Ether at pleasure. Consume the Elements as by Amalantrah the Wizard we are taught, the Pantacle beiing the 'Earth'. In parts 7-10 weapons and robes may be laid on the Throne of Aiwaz. Perform any scrying or utter any prophecies as may be given and close Temple."


After a banquet of Fish and Yellow Wine we three signed an Oath.


666 solemnly swore to devote the Working exclusively to completion of his Comment on the Book of the Law.


