Friday, 13 May 1921
[Crowley writes] After dinner we sent for Fra G∴ [C. F. Russell].
11 p.m. circa. Opus[1] V Fra G in ano meo. Op[eratio]n very lengthy. Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] had to masturbate G. to effect erection, and he hand introduced his penis into my anus. Orgasm very strong and savage.
El.[ixir] nearly all absorbed; Alostrael to whom I offered it, could only get a few drops.
Obj.[ect]. To establish the Law of Thelema.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with C.F. Russell.]
What really happened, my dear Master Therion, in this case, your Circean enchantment didn't give me a bone-on—add hat Ethyl Ether is no aphrodisiac—you were in bed between me and the Virgin Guardian of the Sangraal who had to lean over to do what she did and you played down in the Record—in fact more than merely to shake the hand of a stranger faire gonfler son andouille. This couple, knowledgeable as they were, were not efficiency experts. If she could have broken your post-hypnotic spell-binding long enough to dare to implement the socially approved orifice rather than the one she chose to employ the outcome could have been startling. I am sure you won't mind my informing the public all about this! Consultation could have devised a less frustrating formula whereby le moment supreme et ecron aussi could have been saved for Alys. As in the aftermath when as usually he shifted from vesica to tighter circle—I could have switched swiftly from yours to his shunning the awful profanation. As it was, if you were not too distracted to recall now, succeeding the penul pendaison of the collective performance, since I had to have physical base for a magic talisman previously prepared in view of the event I beat you to the draw, which explains the "only a few drops" bit. By the way this episode was told in their Diaries, q.v., it looks not I was but they were drunk!