Wilfred Talbot Smith Diary Entry Tuesday, 18 December 1917
At lunch to day J. [Charles Stansfeld Jones] said he had good news, and to keep it quiet. He said something to the effect, that last night he had at last got the understanding or meaning of the 8º=3o on the material plain; giving him a clear understanding of the whole course of affairs, at least as regards Canada, and more or less the part we should all play, mentioning Phelps and the Union he has formed of labourers. Also he understands the why and wherefore of the past events with us.
He said he knew his true Will now; and that last night his consciousness spread over the whole of Canada; he expressed it, as something like looking down on a huge game of chess.
He suggests that something has supplied the missing link; such as in A.C.'s case, the fall from the horse. May be the result of the Election, bringing in conscription which appears to be so apposed to the new Law of Do what thou wilt.
It looks like something is moving again at last. Lets hope so. Another incident, Taylor[1] sent a messenger to J. saying he would see him tomorrow night and all night if he liked. J. intends to try and get $500 out of him to get to New York with.
1—[Jones was trying to get Taylor to bring a Vancouver, British Columbia, "Aquarian Movement" under the O.T.O. This came about after Herbert (Harry?) Musclow, the leader of the movement was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for fraud. Mr. Taylor took control of the movement during Mr. Musclow's imprisonment.]