Meredith Starr Diary Entry

Sunday, 12 June 1910



Diary of SS Probationer pf The AA


Peradua ad alteriora,

Per alteriora ad Summa,


Superna Sequor.

In hoc signo vincam.


Ruling Sign

Ruling Planet

Rising Planet


in 8th house.


Ad extremum perdurabo.



Record of Saturday [?] June 12/10

Experiments with Anhalonium Lewinii at the Equinox.

Aleister Crowley asked me to come.


Two doses of 150 drops each.


Preliminary stages.


I seemed to have complete control over the influence of the drug. . . . When I gave way to it, I did so consciously—but I could at any moment by an effort of will reinstate myself in my normal condition. I could easily concentrate on anything. I could pick and chose my thoughts, and banish and kill every thought except the one under consideration. Self-realization apart from the physical body. United triple consciousness—body, soul, and Self (or Spirit). Could call to my mind whatever visions or pictures I wished. Optic nerve and hearing faculty remarkably acute. Optical illusions of every description.


Final Stage.


What appeared to be ecstasy. Immunity from physical pain (I stuck pins through the lobes of both ears without feeling any noticeably discomfort). Out of Time and Space.



