Meredith Starr Diary Entry

Thursday, 23 June 1910




Adonai! Thou art all I do—all I think—all I am. Let my Soul mirror the unutterable splendour of thy glory. Let the ineffable light of thy countenance ravish my spirit with its unspeakable loveliness.


1. Prof. Work.

Read Aceldama by A.C. before getting up. I do not like it as a whole.

Read Tales of Archais.

Wrote "Long Ago".

Corrected Equinox Proofs.

Read some of 'In the Lotus Land of Japan'.


2. Diet.



3. Hrs Sleep


8 1/2


4. Hrs. Exercise.

1/2 hrs Walk.


5. and 6. Important Events etc.


7. Type of Exercise.

Breathing [illegible] one nostril at a time and suspending breath. (eyes closed)


8. Time

12.40—12.55 a.m.

10.20—10.45 p.m.


9. Breaks

About 10

About 10


10. and 11. Interruptions.




12. Results.

Slight perspiration. [illegible] colours—mauve with stars, purple and red.

Dizzy sensation—involuntarily my body swayed from side to die and often / began to rotate.


Adonai! Tho' I am but a speck on thy wheel—tho' I am but a drop in thine unfathomable ocean. . . . I command Thee to reveal Thyself to me. For I that am the servant am also the master. I beseech thee—I pray to thee—but I also COMMAND Thee. For the 0 equals the All.


I have passed into the Silence. . . I am immortal. . . . omniscient. . . . I was Christ. . . . I AM. . . . I will do all I can for humanity. . . . I am Love. . . . Happiness. . . . Beauty. . . . I am the All. . . . the Absolute.


Those who have ears will hear. . . . those who have wyes will see.


Vision is given to some; to others not.


Superna Sequor.






The Light of the World.





Met [illegible] Louise Heilgers at the Equinox on this occasion. I believe I flirted with her!—I will try to get some of my things into Vanity Fair.


