Meredith Starr Diary Entry

Saturday, 25 June 1910




In the incense I will breathe thee, Adonai! I will drink deep draughts of thy fragrance. Yea! I will be drunk on thy magical perfume.


1. Prof. Work.

Read Crowley pp. 54-181.


2. Diet.



3. Hrs Sleep

9 1/4

11.30-12.45 and 1-8.


4. Hrs. Exercise.

3/4 Walk.


5. and 6. Important Events etc.

Recd 3 proofs for Vanity Fair.

The 'Garden of Love'—'Mediocrity', 'The Ledger!'


7. Type of Exercise.

Sitkara Kumbhaka


8. Time

3.48 p.m.—4.12.


9. Breaks



10. and 11. Interruptions.


12. Results.

At first I felt the blood surging in chest and trunk. My mind seemed a good deal higher than my head—and a very long way from my hands on my knees. It seemed in a void of ocean of space. When I finished I felt acute pain in [it ends here]


After sitting in a room for about an hour where I had burned a lot of incense, I found to my surprise that by thinking of certain things I could smell them. The things I thought of were—Violets, Strawberries—jonquils—


Incense causes great spiritual exaltation.


