Meredith Starr Diary Entry Tuesday, 28 June 1910
Took 210 [drops of]—Anahalonium [Anhalonium Lewinii] at 4 p.m. Went to Warren's at 8. Stayed there till 11.20. Below is an extremely condensed record of results obtained—written shortly after Dawn June 29: 1910.
W[arren] said banishing ritual and then we said various mantras and read some ΘΕΛΗΜA aloud. Suddenly I found I had access to an inexhaustible supply of power—it flows through one in a continuous stream. I gave Warren as much power as he wanted—I also pulled him up to Tiphereth. I believe I am in Tiphereth or Kether; I can shoot forth in all directions. I passed through all the different stages and grades in the Temple—and now am outside and independent of it. W and self in our astral bodies paid a visit to the Equinox. We saw Crowley sitting on the couch in the Harem. We spoke to him. . . . Did he hear us?
I leaped through the abyss of light into the unfathomable blue—from the blue I passed into the Holy of Holies—where 0 = 10 Where all colours mingle and yet are one.
My chief mantram and centre of concentration was and is
Power Beyond Power, And Strength beyond Strength!
I eat magic food (converted)—and drank magic water—I travelled to C.M.D. (a friend) in my astral body.
Power Beyond Power, And Strength beyond Strength!
I forbad any ill effects and I know none will come. . . . only good effects will come to my physical body.
W. and I once saw Crowley near a range of black rocks (before I leaped into the abyss of light) in a purple-blue robe with a hood over his head—in the hood were slits for the eyes.
I am (I AM) Adonai! It appears he is my higher self.
I am sure at present I have the uttermost measure of magical power man is capable of having—Illimitable, unvanquished Will—and
Power Beyond Power, And Strength beyond Strength!
On the one hand I am—on the other, I am not. . . . Yet both of these states are one for 0 = 10.
Similarly I am all opposites.
As above—so below. White = Black. . . . both being different aspects of the same thing.
It is nor necessary to breath—when willing (i.e. thinking) I often forget to breathe for quite a long time. (I think) for about 1.2 an hour.
I am quite sure one could easily break most existing sport records—for one has only to ask (command) strength to have it—one is strength.
I could write a record so long that all the paper in the world would be insufficient to contain it but I will not—For Silence is best—You will understand.
I can take Anahalonium with perfect impunity by forbidding all ill effects when under its influence.
At 9 A.M. I told my sister I would give her strength of power.
I put my hands on her head and she felt it rushing through her like a river.
This is practical proof.
Slept 2 1/2 hours.