Meredith Starr Diary Entry

Thursday, 30 June 1910




I feel most wonderfully fit. The Anahalonium [Anhalonium Lewinii] effects have passed off—BUT, as I expected—the mental strength remains. My will is many times as strong as formerly. This is where the practical—beneficent results come in!


This mental strength couldn't go away, as it is soul-experience.


I find it quite easy to do most things I had only done with difficulty before.


To-day I played tennis—and astonished people at the club by playing about 10 times better than I had ever played before. I often hit as hard as I could (without hitting out). My service was quite untakeable when it came in properly.


Saw Shirley [Ralph Shirley] in morning. My review on Maeterlinck occupies the place of honour in the July number of the Occult Review. He gave me more books to review:—The Lost Valley, by Algernon Blackwood: and The Shadow Garden by Madison Cawein.


Court Journal gave me For Prince or Pope by James Gissingham.


Sent off suggestion at the last moment for the £2000 Competition.



To — —.


Dark oh! dark is the voiceless night

Where nameless shadows loom;

The far days when the sun shone bright

Lie frozen in their tomb.


Life is a circle; and ever

The light must succeed the dark,

And cherished hopes must dissever

A ships of the soul embark


To regions where Hope is higher,

Where the light is fierce and strong.

Where the spirit yearns for desire

To Him who has waited long.


Yet Hope and Despair must exist

Till Hope and Despair are one,

And the lips that lovers have kissed

Must bleed for the love they won.


So he who would gain must renounce,

As he who would sow must reap.

And demons of darkness will pounce

On souls that tremble and weep.


Be strong in your weakness; and know

Only the weak can be strong:

Arise from your weeping, and go

To Him who has waited long.


Awake to the Knowledge of Power

That drains in the drowsy soul,

And read in the lapse of an Hour

Eternity's mystic scroll!


Question the stars in their courses,

And wrest from the sun his fire!

And millions of unseen forces

Will minister you soul's desire.


Shatter the fetters that bind you!

Exalt with passionate glee!

Leap! leaving weakness behind you,

Immortal, divine, and free!


