Meredith Starr Diary Entry

Thursday, 7 July 1910




Did not practise in morning.


Prof. Work.

Read and Reviewed 'The Brotherhood of Healers' by James L. Macbeth Bain.


Went to a Eustace Miles Show in afternoon. Horribly bored.


Saw Crowley. . . . he drew my horoscope.





Time. 11 — 11.25 P.M.



My eyelids and the air I was breathing seemed very cold.


Hrs Exercise. 20 min. walk.



The Silent Ones


Our sorrow has made you a garland

Of roses, and poppies and rue;

We look on your life from a far land,

And smile thro' the mist and the dew.


The Roses to soften your sadness,

The poppies to drowse you to sleep—

To sober your sorrow to gladness;

To show you a harvest to reap.


The Rue as a sign and a token

We suffered as you long ago. . . .

But few are the words that are spoken,

And few are the signs that we show.


