Meredith Starr Diary Entry Monday, 11 July 1910
Breathing and Concentration.
Time. 8 — 8.30 A.M.
Results. Saw a large expanse of pale green light; this changed to pale mauve; this later merged into a deeper mauve, and thence into dark purple.
Prof. Work. Reviewed 'The Lost Valley' by A. Blackwood. . . . The first story in this book is one of the most wistfully beautiful tales I have read.
Important Events. Had tea with Gilbertson at the E.M.R. where I met James H. Cousins—the Irish Poet. . . . (He has written some very fine things). . . . I am afraid I was rather disappointed in his external appearance. . . . which may belie him.
After the lecture I met one of the most remarkable men it has been my privilege to meet:—James L. Macbeth Gain. He is really extraordinary. I am sure he is a very great adept in disguise—whether recognised as such or not. He is a great Bhakti Yogi. He simply overflows with great-hearted, broad-minded, sincere devotion to humanity. He is the expression of a vast force, a tremendous power. . . . something akin to great world-forces,—something that lies at the very root of things.
The objection may be advanced against healers—'What right has man to interfere with the Karma of his fellow men?'—But surely it is exactly in such interference true greatness is shown. To do—to dare—and to brave all the consequences!. . . . To take god-like qualities upon oneself and to help humanity in affliction whatever the cost! ! When one has succeeded in relieving suffering what matter the consequences!
I stayed at the E.M.R. and heard an excellent lecture by Cousins on the Mysticism (and its practical expression, and influence on the Irish) of Ireland. Before I left I had quite a long talk with Macbeth Bain. Oddly enough I am reviewing his books:—how I can presume to do so I scarcely know!
Sent Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller] the 21/- I owed him.