Meredith Starr Diary Entry

Friday, 15 July 1910




Prof Work. Reviewed "Letters of a Modern Golfer to his Grandfather" being the correspondence of Richard Allingham—arranged by Henry Leach.


[illegible] and Mrs. and Miss Cammell called.


Breathing. minute cycle.


Time. 7 — 7.30. p.m.


Result. I find the  minute cycle very difficult—especially so if I have to keep looking at my watch. I will try to do without the watch and meditate on Om Mane Padme Hum. Asana very painful. . . . worst of all when I try to get up.


Time. Started at 10 p.m. but could not get going properly—so stopped. Recited aloud the invocation to [illegible]. Meditation on Adonai 11 — 12 (lying down).


Sleep. 12 — 7.30. 7 1/2 hrs.


