Meredith Starr Diary Entry

Saturday, 30 July 1910




The hunger of great seas that rage and roar

Around forbidden rocks is mine today;

Vast, ominous billows thunder on the shore

Tossing aloft wild clouds of angry spray,—

A frenzied store

Of pent-up fury that would blast and slay

For evermore.


Grey, sullen clouds brood in the lowering sky,

Intolerable stillness fills the air:

O that some God would raise a mighty cry,

And rouse a tempest-fury everywhere!

But no reply

Makes glad my longing; on some broken stair

I sit and sigh.


O that the sky would foam with blood! The Sea

Lash its great waves to frenzy, and the wind

Shriek notes of madness and death-agony!

Fire and foam should mingle, and the wind

Blaze utterly

With lightnings that should wake the dotard

Who will not see!


