Meredith Starr Diary Entry

Tuesday, 2 August 1910




Dream World.


Dream-face are fairer

Than faces I see

In life; they are rarer,

More lovely to me.


For dream-eyes are surer,

More steady and true,

More tender, and purer

Thou eyes that I knew.


And dream-lips are sweeter

Than lips I have kissed;

Dream-kisses are sweeter

For lips that resist.


Dream-voices ring truer

Than those I have known;

Their questions are fewer,

More gentle their tone.


Oh fair is the Bower

I made long ago

Of dreams, in an Hour

You never shall know!


Oh fair is the Garden

Where dream-flowers grow,

Where frosts never harden.

And storms never blow!





Breathing and Concentration.


Type. In, and out (twice time as in) without suspension.


Time. 9.45 — 10.15.



At first—shortly after commencement—I felt as if I was spinning round rapidly on my own axis. . . . This was succeeded by a great calm, which brought with it a curious sense of increase; as tho' I had received some great addition. My feet did not feel as if they were resting on the floor, but on something small and round, with nothing beneath or around it. I seemed to be the centre of a vast expanse of space.


Spine very rigid.


Slept. 9 1/2 hours— 10.30 — 8. Had a very vivid dream. . . . I was dying—life was slowly ebbing away—when a woman whom I seemed to know very well tho' I had never seen her in this life—embraced me. . . . from that moment life began to flow back to me—and I was soon quite well again.


Various other things occurred which I do not remember.


