Meredith Starr Diary Entry Saturday, 13 August 1910
Slept uninterruptedly till 8 a.m. Will take 6 grains of C—I [extract of Cannabis Indica] next time.
Went sailing in a little racing boat with an acquaintance. Enjoyed it thoroughly s it was rather rough, and we were in danger of being drowned every second. 'Tis a good thing not to know fear;—to play with Fate, and laugh Death in the face! Sailing by the bye is excellent exercise. . . . I had not been in a small sailing vessel before and knew nothing about sailing—but I did what my companion told me.
4.45 p.m. Took 6 grains of Cannabis Indica.
I began to feel slightly different to usual at about 8 p.m. . . . I felt an extreme indifference for everybody and everything. This feeling increased from 8—9, and remained more or less unaltered from 9 onwards. Under Anhalonium [Anhalonium Lewinii] The Will and the Ego unite, but with Cannabis Indica they are separated: Perception is apart from sensation. My ideas of Time were all changed—(I made some ridiculous mistakes about the dinner-hour and the time I meant to go out etc)—When walking the distance traversed seemed longer than it actually was. While the body felt rather tired the mind seemed very alert—after a fashion. I observed I could not remember things without an effort. Also I did not feel inclined to reason. I did not feel elated or the reverse, but rather dispassionate, and apathetic.
9—10 p.m. Went on the pier; heard some music which sounded much as usual. I am not at all sure that hashish does not compress and weaken certain brain-centres; consequently certain other centres would be comparatively stronger. The introspective faculty seemed to be strengthened slightly.
10.30 Went to bed. Slept 9 1/2 hours.