Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Saturday, 12 June - Saturday, 19 June 1920


as narrated by

Phyllis Seckler




Jane ordered her boat ticket in California and traveled across the country by train. She left New York June 12, 1920 on the American line. When she arrived at her stateroom in New York harbor she found a sturdy Frenchwoman already undressed and in her berth. Why should this be? Then Jane discovered that theirs was the last stateroom on an upper deck. A Brazilian had taken a chance on getting a room and there was only one left below deck and he had been assigned to this. It was a room with considerable heat from the engines of the boat. The Brazilian had tried to get the two ladies stowed away below deck in his manoevres over a stateroom and the Frenchwoman had immediately gotten undressed and into her bed in order to hold the fort!


Jane enjoyed 7 days en route on a delightful sea and arrived in France on June 20.


