Jane Wolfe Diary Entry Sunday, 20 June 1920
as narrated by
Jane enjoyed 7 days en route on a delightful sea and arrived in France on June 20. She had instructions to meet Aleister in Bou Saada on the 25th of that month. On reaching France in the dark, her first French greeting was, "First and Second class passengers climb up!" This meant that during the night there was considerable climbing over outstretched legs~ in and out of the seats, as there was need or otherwise. This type of trouble did not bother her when she went second class at another time. The next day the French landscape delighted her and she watched it continually as the train glided by. It seemed to her like some overdressed, over polite, but fabulously beautiful woman. The little towns intrigued her, one she thought was mysterious and strange but could not decide just what caused this. At the next town she watched the working out of a caste system with the townspeople at the station, the dignitaries-in top hats, the gracious manners, from the high in station to the ordinary. All seemed to belong.