Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Monday, 2 August 1920




6:30 - 6:50



Four times right arm contracted

6:45 Throat automatically contracted.

6:50 - 7:10



Swallowed twice; other bodily movement.

7:12 - 33


Harpocrates. Very poor.

Started Temple of Solomon The King.

9:50 - 10:05


Pranayama. 4-4-8-4

10:05 - 10:10


Pranayama. 4-8-8-4

10:10 - 10:20


Pranayama. 4-4-8-4


10:50 - 11:10


Asana. Eye shifted in all about half inch.

Desire to swallow came & went but 11:07 yielded.

11:10 - 11:30


Dharana. Emotional tried to enter; conquered this; some bodily movement.

11:35 - 11:55


Harpocrates. Better silence than heretofore, changed thumb at lip.

Pranayama to beach 4-4-8-4. Broke once top of second elevation—cont'd.

10:10-  10:30 p.m.


Asana. Left ankle aching. Throat suddenly dried and cough.

10:30 - 10:50



10:55 - 11:12


Harpocrates. Last few minutes body reacting to mosquitos and fleas. Controlled reasonable for a time, the body twitched violently as from electricity.


Vision Work

Acelli, taken as word on which to work.


Got exterior of temple, grey stone, doorway outlined as I have seen pictured on Egyptian temples; priest in front in long robe, color of this robe suggested rich cream of old lace; right hand raised though could not locate it, but it came between me and priest—high head-dress on priest, thought I saw stripes, it was dark and I think had some blue.


Interior—great height, large pillars, 3 in number on either side, 3 on left side in more light than those on right. Beyond pillars 3 steps running width of temple, a level stretch, then 3 steps level floor of 6 or 8 feet to altar. In centre silver globe from which radiated many luminous spokes. Priest in front of altar, in crimson robe with gold decoration around shoulders, back to me. He turned and as he did so I noticed silver globe was directly over his head, making a continuous line with his body.


No words spoken.


