6:05 - 25 |
Asana. Moved left arm off knee
once—swallowed twice. |
6:25 - 45 |
Dharana. Got result in
beginning only—held position and looked where square
should have been. |
6:47 - 7:05 |
Harpocrates. Could not
visualize. Tremendously sleepy. Slept instantly
after responding to tom-tom; waked with effort 3
mins. after and felt heaviness throughout which I
could not master.
No pranayama.
Body utterly weary, due in
greater or lesser degree to menstrual period—though
not entirely as I think being waked mornings from
sound sleep shocks system. |
10:30 - 50 |
Asana. |
10:50 - 11:10 |
Dharana. Started in one
posture, held 5 mins & assumed posture used in
present Asana. Some results tho cannot get color.
Swallowed 2. |
11:13 - 34 |
Harpocrates. After 12 mins.
moved. In some respects best so far—got babe entire
and strong silence. |
11:55 |
[1] |
After above exercises lay down
for complete relaxation 11:45. Objective finally
still: found myself by solid high grey stone wall,
large gate through which I could not see, rounded
top, Gothic style though not pointed and placed iron
key in lock. This interested me so much, became
active and lost all
However, not willed. |
19:15 - 35 |
Dharana. Beginning poor and
ended by observing spot where square should have
been. |
10:35 - 55 |
Asana. Good physical. Mental
good in spots. |
10:59 - 11:20 |
Harpocrates. Could not get
this. Held position, mental still. At 11:15 suddenly
felt nausea.
At writing still conscious of
stomach. |