Jane Wolfe
Diary Entry
Tuesday, 10 August 1920
A.M. |
6:15 - 35 |
ASANA, thunderbolt.
Notice head has a tendency to
come forward & downward, but am not conscious when
movement takes place. |
6:37 - 57 |
DHARANA, yellow square.
Could not get this & could not
bring focusing point at usual place—a long way off.
Discovered I was using physical, right elbow, neck &
torso contracted. Mosquitos biting almost a relief. |
7:00 - 20 |
Could not get into this at all.
On hill
Equinox V, Introduction to study of Qabalah.
Did not get far into this when
I became sleepy.
Slept till 9:30. |
9:35 - 10:03 |
[1] |
4-8-8-8. alternating 4-8-8-4
for 10 mins.
4-8-8-4 balance of time. Find I
cannot hold breath for 8 counts and continue more
than 5 mins. Tried this method of alternating;
thinking I might be able to continue longer.
At some time each day I notice
a new vigour. Result of a combination of things.
Present exercises, physical and mental. May, 1918 I
was told: 'Cease your chatter, wait for God.' This
referred to a habit of continuously mouthing words
though the lips were silent. Am more diligently
practicing this, though when I do 'chatter' (and
this habit which I thought almost conquered has
returned here with a particular vehemence at
There is not the activity in
lower back of head heretofore referred to. |
10:37 - 57 |
ASANA, thunderbolt.
After 15 mins noticed body
leaning heavily on right arm. At same time became
conscious of throat. Find I can control desire to
swallow by focusing on some definite part of body.
Now confronted throat as a trial. Succeeded for 3
mins. then throat hurriedly contracted, no swallow.
Contraction suggested a relaxation of vigilance. |
11:02 - 22 |
[2] |
DHARANA, yellow square.
Continuous conflict between
attempt to visualize and hearing hand drill on
rocks. Found a part of me watching for next blow.
Emotions tried to enter & tell me this effort was
likely to cause injury, at the same time something
within shrinking at each blow. Conquered this but
could not eliminate sound of drill. |
11:20 - 50 |
Got babe at times but unable to
connect with blue shell.
Find I am contracting muscles
in these exercises. Must watch this. |
P.M. |
PRANAYAMA to beach. |
9:37 - 57 |
ASANA, thunderbolt.
Another fight with sleep. |
10:00 - 20 |
[3] |
DHARANA, yellow square.
Physical poor, work poor,
fighting sleep.
Saw white light, about size of
a dime, above eye line to my left.
Later saw a light to left &
about level with solar plexus. Think this had a
suggestion of violet. |
10:25 - 45 |
Comment(s) by Aleister
2—You can't
forget a thing by thinking of it. Get interested in another
thing and it's gone.
3—Very bad.
[102] |