Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Wednesday, 11 August 1920







6:05 - 25


ASANA, thunderbolt.

Good physical—no, fought sleep.

6:27 - 47


DHARANA, yellow square.

Saw yellow square 2, saw dark square, no square.

Left hand in pain, left leg spasm once, swallowed once. Sleepy.

6:52 - 7:12



Better than preceding but could not achieve any degree of stillness. Vizualised babe on lotus, at times blue shell. Again got alien color. Quick flash of J.W. in pongee colored silk robe with peculiar pattern of salmon pink around borders. Saw large wagon in country standing still. Leah [Leah Hirsig] doing something but did not see what.

8:10 - 35


Equinox V, Qabalah.

8:37 - 9:08


PRANAYAMA, 4-8-8-4.

Took up Qabalah again. Am getting hold of something and find it interesting.

Do not know when I put book down but must have had ¾ hour sleep.

10:40 - 11:02


ASANA, thunderbolt.

Right great toe moved. This strange as I cannot consciously move this toe without moving others. Or did another move without my noting it?

Am I in a groove? Again came sleepiness though nothing violent.

11:05 - 25


DHARANA, yellow square.

Watched any desire for sleep. Thin now tense sleepiness of Aug 9 started up wrong method, i.e pushing the mind. Ten minutes before I could focus then discovered rigidity.

Entire body affected. Left leg stiff, knee & ankle 'set', conscious of back, right buttock paining more or less, left one numb.

11:30 - 45






Just waked from a 'cat nap'—felt the need.









PRANAYAMA to beach 4-8-8-4.

9:37 - 57


DHARANA, yellow square.

Not sleepy. Leveled mind by saying: 'Yellow square is a part of the God-Body'. I then could look calmly, dispassionately, impersonally.

9:57 - 10:12


ASANA, thunderbolt.

A miscalculation. Watched left leg. This posture cause of pain in left hip which interferes when playing 'Foot-ball Fives'? Entire left leg protesting.

10:20 - 40



Accomplished something in the beginning—mind skipping about thereafter. Caught myself speculating as to whether insect on body was fly, flea or ant.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—Possibly good.

2—Good method.


4—All equally Maya & Tat!


