A.M. |
6:25 - 45 |
DHARANA, yellow square.
Rather passive sitting.
Principal intrusion. Ritual heard for first time
last evening. Swallowed 2. |
6:45 - 7:05 |
Started out fair, ended lamely. |
7:05 - 25 |
ASANA, thunderbolt.
Mind & body quiet at start.
After 10 mins mind quite wobbly, body indolent.
Swallowed hurriedly, leaping in, at a moment of
abstraction. |
8:45 - 9:00 |
4-8-8-4, 5 mins.
4-8-8-8, 5 mins.
4-12-8-8, 5 mins.
Gave out after third. |
9:15 - 10:05 |
Equinox V,
Kabalah. |
10:05 - 45 |
Sleep. |
10:47 - 11:12 |
ASANA, thunderbolt.
Mind & eye wandered. Ant bit
me. At third bite gasped & knocked it off.
Think this decided reaction
linked up with a California experience, when a large
red ant one a m poisoned me so thoroughly by a
vicious bite that I had no relief until I fell
asleep that night. |
11:15 - 35 |
DHARANA, yellow square.
A lightness of body I never
experienced in this work—due to will to hold body
relaxed? Swallowed once, mind skipping about in
Algiers & States. Yellow square for a time above
line of vision. While a part of me desired to look
up I held to original focusing point. Noticed people
passing. |
11:40 - 55 |
Started out well. Three bites,
at third body broke down with gasp and
groan—emotional reaction. Started again—leaf falling
from tree was shock. |
P.M. |
PRANAYAMA to beach.
4-8-8-4, 5 mins.
4-12-8-8, 5 mins.
4-8-8-4, balance of time.
Enjoyed bath. Took 3 definite
swims. 72, 82, 100 strokes. Also swam between rocks
lying close together where water was rough. Have
kept head under water 14 strokes, body coming to
surface on sixth stroke.
At dinner for a moment felt
lightness of body. Watched this, no other change
noticeable. |
9:00 |
Said PENTAGRAM—Shummie [Ninette Shumway]
and I alone. |
10:51 - 11:12 |
ASANA, thunderbolt.
Swallowed after 12 mins. This
bad, for in this case mind was floating around
Tunis. |
11:15 - 35 |
DHARANA, yellow square.
Beginning poor. Boy outside
singing, which I heard continuously. Afterward found
Self occupying thoughts.
Finished better—body light and
in a warm glow. |
10:40 - 55 |
Stopped as forepart of head
hurting. Did the method cause it, that's the
question? This glow of body seems definitely in
outer coverings. Got one crocodile for first time. |