Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Friday, 13 August 1920






Wakeful during night, but this not due to restless mind. Rather to physical. All muscles sore & painful—from yesterday's swim? Head aching slightly.

6:15 - 35


ASANA, thunderbolt.

Body stupid, mind started journeying. Body aching when finished.

6:35 - 53


DHARANA, yellow square.

Something accomplished.

6:55 - 7:17



Rested me wonderfully this morning.

8:12 - 30



4-8-8-4. Body inclined to rigidity when starting. When walking must wear shoe that gives support to right instep. Relaxed arches & middle toe of right foot collapse without support.


The physical affects the mental. Here am I with a weakened, protesting body, head in bad condition, and where even Laotze proves inadequate. What does the Hindu ascetic accomplish by inflicting agonizing pain upon himself?


'Nothing more elastic and yielding than water, preeminent to dissolve things rigid and resistant.'


'God moves along the line of least resistance.'


I cannot study, I cannot read this morning. So I lie quiet and still, letting flow into my consciousness whatever of Life and Beauty these hills, the birds, the passing winds may afford. Should I do aught else? At present I cannot think so.


----In darkness, no life in me.

10:52 - 11:12


ASANA, thunderbolt.

Got still here.

11:14 - 34


DHARANA, yellow square.


Accomplished something, possibly because my first temptation to omit. Each minute seemed ten. Swallowed three times, once when fly was walking around my nose.

11:34 - 45



Weary, weary.






No Pranayama to beach, tried but could not continue.

Two particular swims, which heretofore I felt might prove beyond my powers.

10:28 - 48


ASANA, thunderbolt.

Score 1. I conquered a desire to swallow focusing on throat. Horribly sleepy.

10:48 - 11:08


DHARANA, yellow square.

Battling sleep from start to finish. Managed to get a few yellow squares—this time they sat on a low, broad, dark pedestal.


Find the stilling of the mind restful and shall surely feel its tonic and invigorating effects later, and somewhere deep within I sense the peace and rest of slipping over the edge. For one second of this rest!

11:15 - 35



Babe and blue shell only.


Have a feeling of well being and poise to-night, more in tune. Due to talk of A.C. this evening?


