Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Saturday, 14 August 1920







5:55 - 6:15


ASANA, thunderbolt.

6:15 - 35


DHARANA, yellow square.

Same difficulties, same accomplishment.

6:40 - 7:00



Got hold of this but twice. Could not detach myself from the life around me.

7:58 - 8:18



















4-8-8-4. Difficult this morning, possibly too near the breakfast hour.

Have discovered my attitude toward this Abbey is as a stepping place for the night with a moving on in the morning. Why? Because of the extreme contrast of my former life? I do not mean physical but emotional. The pleasurable contacts of the Studio and home circle, the clasped hand, the linked arm, the embrace of friend and friend, cheek against cheek of one more dear, the outpourings and inbreathings of a happy affectional life. I always thought these human contacts necessary for balance. Is this part of the crucifixion of Self. Much can be gained by mastering an empty stomach. I am in darkness, I cannot see ahead. However, the dark is always interesting!

Training of the Mind, in part, by Bennett [Frank Bennett].

Short nap.


Why this horrible difficulty with the physical?

First, 1 day of bleeding piles, at least what I think this, never before having had the same experience, I cannot speak with certainty; then soreness of muscles which I attributed to swimming. Now head upset, stomach calling attention to itself, painful to pull myself together after lying down? Intestines moving, so it cannot be poison from that source. I feel sore from centre to circumference.

10:35 - 45


PRANAYAMA, which I doubt did any good. Conscious of body at every step. Sicilians, 5, about 300 feet from me have been shouting and shrieking all morning, beating two trees with long sticks. Head aching. For two days emotional has been thundering away at my doors. Am I beginning to feel sorry for myself!

10:50 - 11:10


ASANA, thunderbolt.

Lost out on swallow.

11:19 - 30


DHARANA, yellow square.

Somewhat distasteful at the start, but cannot be compared with distaste of yesterday. Found myself speculating concerning upset condition, deciding it was a result of swallowing heaps of salt water.

11:37 - 12:00



Fight to continue with this. Finally overcame this, got as far as babe and shell. However, Elasticity for the first became a part of me, I mean, the seed planted. Also thoughts about ices and ice water.









In bed. Find it is all a Sicilian fever.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley




