Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Friday, 20 August 1920







6:05 - 25


ASANA, thunderbolt.

6:25 - 45


DHARANA, yellow square.

Why this docility of mind? It wanders, of course, but comes back meekly enough.


At some time between these exercises and those of last night I got a more complete realization of mind is an instrument.

6:50 - 7:12



Was seized with repugnance for this at start; broke through this feeling once, only to have it return again.









Full capsule of Grass.



A feeling of heaviness in nerves of arms; slight drowsiness. Lay down but would not permit sleep.



Sensation on chin: thought my finger was resting there, but no.



Feeling as though ankles were crossed; but no, lying side by side as I was on my back. Was almost asleep when I noticed this, and therefore willed myself awake.


After this followed visions of people, country scenes, mountain and one or two marine views—all in monotone of a silver screen. After this I slept.

10:05 - 25


ASANA, thunderbolt.

10:25 - 45


DHARANA, yellow square.

Negative; both very tedious.

10:45 - 11:05



Was tempted several times to abandon Babe and follow California method of still pool of Space.


