Jane Wolfe
Diary Entry
Sunday, 22 August 1920
A.M. |
Very poor night; little sleep. |
5:50 - 6:10 |
ASANA, thunderbolt. |
6:10 - 30 |
DHARANA, yellow square.
Both stupid. |
6:35 - 53 |
First 10 mins. good, afterwards
continually lost vision and one time found myself
almost asleep. |
P.M. |
9:35 - 55 |
ASANA, thunderbolt.
Sleepy before finishing. |
9:57 - 10:17 |
DHARANA, yellow square.
I certainly can hold the square
better, but to-night am quite sleepy. |
10:20 - 40 |
Very tedious; got complete
picture. Sleepy. |
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