Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Thursday, 26 August 1920







7:50 - 8:10


ASANA, thunderbolt.

8:10 - 30


DHARANA, yellow square.

Dreadful: my mind feels as if in a straight jacket.

8:35 - 52



Which was not Harpocrates, but a going after the cause of my difficulties. Time and again it has been demonstrated that I cannot live in the region of the mind—always chaos. Why will I slough back! I stand above it: it is a mirror only to reflect to Me fragments of the All Mind.







10:10 - 30


ASANA, thunderbolt.

10:30 - 50


DHARANA, yellow square.

Mind fussy at start, but subduing it was able to turn steady gaze on square.

Nothing less than God is worthy of God.

10:55 - 11:15



The stillness once more.

'At first mind consciously directed to yellow square, afterwards the mind flows toward it; then arises Love, followed by marriage and the child.' My own off-spring in 'Tokio'?


