Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Friday, 27 August 1920







7:10 - 30


Wonderful, restful sleep.

7:10 - 30


ASANA, thunderbolt.

7:30 - 50


DHARANA, yellow square.

Making progress.

7:55 - 8:12



As a whole, Harpocrates, which seemed the easier when starting, is now more difficult than Dharana: only occasionally can I become silent.



At peace once more—a stillness encircles me, I feel in the Egg of Blue, and there arises gratitude and love. Realize my relationship to Cefalu; so physical environment there will no longer distress and upset me. I was picturing separation, which I now know would leave an emptiness.







10:15 - 35


ASANA, thunderbolt.

10:35 - 55


DHARANA, yellow square.

Think the lateness of the dinner hour affects my work: I get tired.

11:00 - 20



First 12 mins. good, then so tired I relaxed ½ min. and resumed. Last 5 mins. could visualize only.


