Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Saturday, 28 August 1920







7:20 - 40


ASANA, thunderbolt.

7:40 - 8:00


DHARANA, yellow square.

Very difficult.

8:05 - 24



One long fight; visualization but never coming really still.







11:15 - 34



An unusual degree of stillness. Last four mins. could visualize only.



Tired from the exercises I fell asleep. In sleep dreamed my mother opened package I brought her, containing three bottles, a one-quart, dark green bottle of the usual shape, other two smaller, lower, and type of stone jug. She tasted contents of one bottle and said it was most bitter, and I discovered the other two were empty. This was an intense surprise as I was at some pains to carry the three.


During this time I have tossed and pitched upon the bed with nerves a-tingle and conscious of solar plexus; never sufficiently awake to rouse myself.


