Jane Wolfe
Diary Entry
Friday, 3 September 1920
A.M. |
7:25 |
Slept until 2. Disturbance
waked me; did not sleep again till after 4. Find I
am now tired enough to be peevish. Boys, too, waked
up peevish and crying. |
7:30 - 50 |
ASANA, thunderbolt. |
7:50 - 8:10 |
DHARANA, yellow square.
Poor. Conflicting emotions
about, being tired they found an entrance.
Invocation. |
P.M. |
10:07 - 27 |
ASANA, thunderbolt. |
10:27 - 58 |
DHARANA, yellow square.
Held on fairly well; difficult
last 5 mins.
Am beginning to feel the power
of certain words read in Equinox—the creative power. |
[102] |