Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Sunday, 5 September 1920







7:37 - 57


ASANA, thunderbolt.

7:57 - 8:13


DHARANA, yellow square.

Five mins. short. Got along well for 10 mins. then could not shut off discussion about cow’s milk and Poupée.




Went to pieces at ‘Fives’. This tired me completely. Why this sudden tempest?



In a relaxed condition—a letting go all along the line. Is this because of the Force of which I was conscious for 2 days and which kept me wakeful for 2 nights—the physical not equal to the strain of these stronger vibrations? Like the labour pains of motherhood, followed in each instance by a period of rest?

Or, is it astrological?







9:18 - 40


ASANA, thunderbolt.

9:40 - 10:00


DHARANA, yellow square.

My fight with Dharana lies principally in the last 10 mins., though now finished last 5 mins. fair.

10:10 - 20



Invocation, preceded by beginning of Pentagram. When beginning this I entered a Temple more vast and silent than any heretofore conceived. I seemed the size of an insect in comparison. Was conscious of two large pillars to the right and left, to the front of which I stood and back of which I knew there to be an altar, though shrouded in darkness. At one time was conscious of lapis blue in this darkness and the word Ocelli occurred to me while here.

After Invocation was finished I willed myself into this Temple and asked for enlightenment, but received nothing.


