Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Wednesday, 8 September 1920







6:10 - 30


ASANA, thunderbolt.

6:30 - 50


DHARANA, yellow square.

Beginning dreadful; toned up somewhat on last 10 mins.



A feeling of inharmony this morning.



Suppose I should record my dream of last night, I have so few.

In a room with many draperies, another woman with me. She showed signs of great agitation, finally fear and partial collapse. Understood ‘supernatural’ was cause, and learned it was a something issuing from the top of my head. Three men were called. By this time we were in a larger place. They too, saw what the woman saw and desired to make notes and a reproduction—the latter to appear in a ‘Sunday Supplement’? ‘You will become famous’ said one, and I waked. Should state I felt no uneasiness or fear, accepting their statement as true as it was something with which I was all ready familiar.



Tired, I lay down for a few minutes sleep. The thought came to enter my Temple for rest. (I say ‘my’ as I have met none else there) I did so, remaining for a time in front of the pillars. Then I went on to the altar, still in darkness, and sank at the foot of it. After a time I rose and saw lapis draperies fringes with gold. I placed my palms on the altar and with tears brimming over, repeated: ‘I’m home! I’m home!’

Think this all right—no emotional reaction: a feeling of placement, strength and a release from the ‘binding’ of others.

10:10 - 25



Most vigorous so far, 4-8-8-4.









During Pentagram by A.C. I entered Temple and found, some distance above my head, that it was filled with billows of colors, mingling and intermingling—orderly, beautiful.

10:15 - 35


ASANA, thunderbolt.

10:35 - 55


DHARANA, yellow square.

I am grateful for the proximity of the Master.

Am very happy to-night.




