Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Sunday, 19 September 1920







7:30 - 50



N.[o] G.[ood].

7:50 - 8:10


DHARANA, yellow sq.

Held this rather well for morning.

Breath through right nostril.

















On hill. Never was wind through trees more seductive, but I put it from me.

Inwardly I feel impotent. This A.M. I take hold with baby fingers, and yet I have stood apart, and with strength. Was this strength given by another to show me the way. Everything is in such a muddle!

These feelings, against no one in particular, that flood my being and at times rise to an impotent rage so that I could grind under my heel this Abbey and all of its inmates (and I just this moment hurt an ant & am sorry) are cumulative. They mount and mount, until not finding an outlet they bowl me over and find such outlet through my collapse.

10:10 - 30



Got something here.

10:30 - 49


DHARANA, yellow sq.

Wish I could see inside & know just what is taking place. Regarded sq in 2 different ways. Which is proper? One requires more of me than the other. Shall try this again.



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley




