Jane Wolfe
Diary Entry
Friday, 24 September 1920
A.M. |
[1] |
After first sleep of
exhaustion, waked, near 3 and slept not till almost
six, when I fell asleep to dream I was seated in a
large dining hall, at a small table against the
wall. A man came to my table, taking chair opposite
me, piling papers and cap against wall. I was
surprised as the room was empty and I looked
enquiringly at the head-waiter. He paid no
attention. The seated man suddenly had a friend by
his side and this man he placed at the end of the
table, facing the wall. I rose & picking up my
dishes said sarcastically: ‘Gentlemen permit me to
present you the only table in the room’ (Not exact
words but something to that effect). Catching eye of
headwaiter directed at first man with a knowing
smile, I turned back and hurled my dishes squarely
in the middle of the table smashing everything in
sight. They looked blank amazement and incredulity.
I laughed. |
7:30 - 8:00 |
8:00 - 8:20 |
DHARANA, yellow sq.
Same story.
I am tired. |
10:00 |
At 9:30 prepared for beach but
could not find boys any place. Returned to house and
took ‘World's Tragedy’ and came to hill. I need
enlightenment on ‘perversion’—a something abhorrent
when viewed from the personal standpoint.
Where do I belong? I want
mental stimulation—not physical. Thank heaven
neither dirty literature nor obscene pictures stir
me: I can read the one and look at the other when
artistic and of merit. But how is the mental
approached? |
10:42 - 57 |
PRANAYAMA. 4-8-8-4 |
P.M. |
Found Lea [Leah Hirsig]
home on my return. |
10:37 |
In the saddle once more. Did
not need to visualize to keep body alert. |
10:57 - 11:20 |
DHARANA, yellow sq.
To-day longed for mental
marriage, furrows ploughed deep in this mind of
mine. Behold, a little honeymoon to-night and the
landscape seems more fair.
(Query: Am I an hermaphrodite!)
Invocation. |
Comment(s) by Aleister
[102] |