Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Wednesday, 29 September 1920







6:25 - 45



Alert, tho improperly done: balance wrong & could not locate difficulty. Can do this better with vision, but then it ceases to be Asana.

6:45 - 7:04


DHARANA, yellow sq.

A calm, high-mindedness, suggesting a cool purity. (Does this mean singleness of purpose?)



Prayer and thanksgiving.



The feeling of an approaching doom. Silly.










Strange. I lie here, idly, drifting with the passing clouds, when there floats across my consciousness as a cloud the following.

A clasping of arms, lip against lip, a spinning out into Space, myself resting in his bosom; he mounting higher & higher, but always the cloud, always an obscuring film. I negative, inactive, absorbing only, a burden,

Then came realization of bi-sexual nature of both, the necessity for the masculine from me. With this came awakening and clarity, the realization that both natures of the individual must be simultaneously roused for surpassing spiritual insight, for a conscious merging of Souls in ecstacy beyond comprehension.

But for this I need more growth.

(N.B. This is a distinct improvement over Lone Pine, where negative side only was grasped and that through copulation, which no doubt colored the picture. How thoroughly impersonal one must be for the vision. This is something to think of, as there must still be the personal. For, after all, may this not refer to my merging with Space, the breaking up of the walls of individuality and the flowing out into the ‘Sea of Nothingness’?)

Feeling all in, went to bed immediately after dinner.







Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley

1—You are missing the planes.


